"Fantastic new pastor. Has been my parish since 1967. Went to school there. Many good people. Would like to see the carnival come back. Fr. AL Scott at 90 years old is a blessing to have him celebrate 8 o'clock mass."
It’s such an amazing church! The community is loving and supportive. Father Truc brings peace and love to all that are blessed to hear him speak.
---Facebook's Lakewood California Community Group
Good Morning Linda and Father Truc Nguyen,
Thank you so much Linda for facilitating Terra's baptism on May 5th. What a special time on the most gorgeous day. We received Terra's Certificate of Baptism last week!
Thank you Father Truc Nguyen for going out of your way to baptize Terra on Cinco de Mayo and for making it so warm, personable and meaningful. All of us in attendance were deeply moved. I've been to Mass at St. Maria Goretti now a couple times and I love your sermons and I love the ambiance. Your website states it perfectly: "From the moment you step through its doors, you can feel the warmth of welcome and the sense of belonging that permeates the air." From my brief encounters with St. Maria Goretti Church to date, it's clear the parish lives its core mission "serving both God and one another."
You asked how Rachel and Andrew chose Terra's godparents. Rachel, Sally and Maureen met in 4th grade at a Catholic school in Wayzata, Minnesota and became immediate best friends. They went to three separate high schools but spent all their free time together. They went on to three different colleges as well - Rachel to St. Mary's in Southeastern MN, Sally to St. Anselm in NH and Maureen to Loyola in Chicago. Their bond remained tight and the two girls were bridesmaids at Andrew and Rachel's wedding at St. Bartholomew's here in LB. Sally is currently a producer for Fox News and lives in Washington DC and Maureen is a PA and lives in Minneapolis. They come out here once or twice a year and have developed an exceptionally close attachment with the girls. Their spiritual beliefs and approach to life align with Rachel and Andrew - the choice for them as godparents was logical!
Below are a few pictures that document the beauty of the day. Joe said "the priest made it easy ... a few times he told me it was time to take a picture." Love it.
Thank you again for everything!
Kathryn Luetmer
the grandma